I know you would have gone through all such tips, guidelines, books, lectures, sessions, conferences, talks, clubs ... so on. Else you wouldn't have landed up on this ( I know because I tagged this post under entrepreneurship, startup, iPod, and all those keywords you have subscribed to.)
Encylopedia says : All the above you have done are of NO use(conditions apply).
(rude shock eh? guess ... if you were smart enough you would have seen it coming yet it feels as a pretty rude shock !)
Lets figure out ... what you encounter during the first 6 months of your startup ( your baby/dream project/ invention or patent cum ATM ... or so to that effect)
Let me walk you through ...

Usual Chores : Yes... you figure out your own means to get these chores done, like getting your company registered, PAN & TAN, Trademarking your logo, Bank account, filing returns et al.
Then while scrolling through your google reader you come across this -
"There's no doubt about it - being a startup in any economic condition is rough, and in the current tumult, mind-bending challenges aren't out of the ordinary. However, I, like most other entrepreneurs I've encountered, am a staunch optimist and thus, even in the face of hardship, seek the silver lining. Tonight, I'd like to share a few of the diamonds in the dung pile that are closest to my heart."
Well, reiterating ... its a lot of high-flying motivation talk n BS ! What happens ( or might ) is
# Living on No Income
The first few months/years of startup life are often waged with salaries that would make college students cringe, but later on, this austerity can be a tremendous asset as you have massively talented engineers & execs that can live on a fraction of what larger firms would need. That extra income can be re-invested in the business for a significant competitive advantage.
# If You Can't Afford Talent, You Have to Learn It Yourself
Well, its the BEST case scenario. I tried it, but ...you can complete it. Instead you need to dabble all possible options and find(ASAP) the reason for your stickability. (word coined by M.Bricks of Hustle)
# Surviving Tough Times Frequently Leads to Success:
Couldn't control but put in this TIP :)
# Guerrilla Marketing is Valuable No Matter How Big Your Marketing Budget Gets
As a startup, you don't have money for big advertising pushes to brand your company/product/service, so you have to rely on word-of-mouth and the viral spread of your business. what it takes to spread the idea virus will give your business a huge leg up on the competition.
Caution: You should learn where, when and to whom to market and to what extent. (learnt only by experience or watching someone do it)
# Chaos Breeds Creativity:
Very obvious from your google reads, refer there for more clarification.
# Loneliness is a Rite of Passage
Leading a company is the loneliest job you would ever have. But the startup community, particularly in the tech world, is forging more and more bonds and those connections are helping to make all of it stronger & smarter( I hope so). Starting up demands a lot of belief and self motivation towards you know what !
Someone says,
"Don't take your detachment as a cue to devolve into a hermit; consider it the hazing process for entry into an exclusive new club forged by shared experiences and then reach out to your fellow entrepreneurs."
Wihtout the mumbo-jumbo - " do not compare yourself with your other friends who are pursuing different career plans, instead ..."
My only guideline : Do not read books like this.
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